If you’ve been searching for an IT solution and have been asking yourself “what is Managed IT?” then you’ve found the right blog to help answer your questions.
What is Managed IT and How Can It Help Your Business?
Most SMB owners are in a position where they have to be jacks-of-all-trades. How many times have you spent the bulk of your day on tasks to keep your team productive, but you didn’t get to work on any of the things only you can do — like strategic planning and working with clients. This is the nature of the small business and while expected is not always the best use of your time. In order for your business to be successful and remain competitive in your industry, you need designated time to focus on growing and building that business. And in some cases, there will be issues that are simply beyond your control or expertise.
Any business that relies on technology — and that covers just about every business operating today — can benefit from managed IT. radius180 understands that not every business has the ability to pay for an expensive internal IT department — ongoing training, salaries, benefits, workers’ comp, etc. So what is Managed IT from radius180 and how can using it help your business save both time and money?
Let’s boil it down to three high profile benefits:
1. We empower you to focus on running your business. One of the major benefits of outsourcing your technology needs is that you and your employees can focus on keeping the business moving in the right direction instead of losing hours, or even days, to trying to deal with tech issues you’re/they’re not trained to handle.
2. We provide expert advice. Many small businesses simply don’t know what they need to improve functionality and ensure continuity after data loss. What you don’t know can absolutely hurt your business. By consulting with radius180, you may discover surprising ways to improve your business. Systems you thought were working “just fine” may be harboring major issues behind the scenes just waiting to bloom. Expert advice can help you improve the efficiency of your team, plan for future growth, and reduce your operating expenses — all while positioning you better within your industry.
3. We support you when you need it. radius180 isn’t here just for planning, disaster recovery, and vendor management. We also provide monitoring — which can be invaluable in preventing problems before they begin to have an impact on your business.
It’s important for every small business to examine their technical needs and determine what services will be most beneficial to the company. radius180 can offer services that not only reduce technology costs over the life of your business but also improve functionality — which saves time. When this balance is achieved, your business is in the perfect position to thrive and grow.
What is Managed IT? It’s a way of helping your business and your staff stay online and on track while helping to save your business from potential costly interruptions. Call us to learn more.